August Wilhelm of Prussia

August Wilhelm, Prince of Prussia

Son of Friedrich Wilhelm I. King in Prussia (1688-1740) and his wife Sophie Dorothea, Princess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1687-1757)

Born: Berlin 9. Aug 1722


  1. Berlin 6. Jan 1742 Luise, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1722-1780)
  2. (morg.) ca. 1758 Sophie Gräfin von Pannwitz as his morganatic wife to his left hand while still married to his first wife.

Issue by first wife:

Died: Oranienburg 12. Jun 1758

Buried: Berlin Cathedral



Source: Detlev Schwennicke "Europäische Stammtafeln. Neue Folgen", Vol. I/1, 1998, Vittorio Klostermann; Chrarlotte Pangels: "Königskinder im Rokoko. Die Geschwister Friedrichs des grossen". Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, München 1978;